Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Baby is Three!!!

Last Monday was Cai's birthday. I was able to take him out on a special date in the morning. We got to the mall before the stores opened, so he played on all the little ride toys. Funny thing - Ryan used to ride them all the time and I don't think Cai ever has. We don't go to the mall nearly as much , now that we live so far away from a mall. Unfortunately, I didn't have any cash. Even so, he had a great time pretending to drive the different vehicles and I'm not even sure he realized they could move! (The other unfortunate thing is that I forgot my camera!) We went to the Disney store and Cai picked out a new swim suit, shirt and towel from Papa and Dee Dee. Then we went to the Croc store to pick out new crocs, from Gramma and Grampa. This year he chose a Buzz Lightyear for his croc. After that we rode the train around the mall and since it was his birthday the driver let Cai wear his hat! On our way out I let Cai pick out a cookie - he chose a double doozie which is two chocolate chip cookies with frosting in between. I told him he could eat it on our ride home, thinking he would eat maybe half of it. But, he ate the entire thing!! I couldn't believe it.

Here he is with his new Crocs.
We had a very simple party: pizza and cake by the pool with his cousins.

Caius, we love you to the moon and back. You are such a joy to our family. You make us laugh all the time with the crazy things you say and do.
It is hard to believe that our baby is three. No more two year olds at the Johns household. It has been a long time since our lives haven't revolved around nap schedules. A new season is beginning.


The Smith Family said...

So cute!

We miss you guys so much! Went to whiffle ball this past weekend and it always makes me think of your boys :)

Love you!

Kate Thomas. said...

Happy birthday Cai!
He is really looking like anderson. I miss those faces!
Love you

Lauren said...

Ahhhh, my little one is so big. He's so sweet. Happy birthday, big boy. Wish we could've been there.

Love you all!

Elle Schlosser said...

happy birthday cai!