Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our January

Okay, so now that Christmas and the telling of our wonderful trip home for Christmas is complete. I thought that it was high time I start updating you all on what has been going on here at the Johns Home.

January passed without a single picture taken during the month. Now, just because there weren’t any pictures taken does NOT mean that there wasn’t anything going on. In fact, we were quite busy. The month started off well, as we rolled back into town on the first. Katie and Sean were here visiting and so we got to see them again.

Ryan’s basketball season was in full swing with practices on Thursdays and games on Saturdays. He absolutely loved it and guess what? It is his favorite sport - at least for this season. HMM. I wonder who he takes after? (Daddy? Uncle Aaron?) I guess typical for boys!

Here is a picture of his team. (taken in December)

Then of course Kris’ birthday came. I know what you are thinking - what? No pictures? Well, yes there weren’t any pictures taken on his birthday, nor did we ever even have a birthday party. You see, his birthday came in the midst of the flu. So, his special day started with nasty puke to be cleaned up in the bedroom. While I was doing that, Kris had Cai and Anderson in the tub. Before I could finish, Cai got sick in the tub. And I believe it was at that point that I turned to Kris and said, “Happy Birthday, Love!” Not really the kind of birthday you dream about or the kind of day you imagine on your wedding day when you think about what life together will be like. Yet, it is reality and there is no one I would rather spend any kind of day with than him!

Thankfully we recovered from the flu quickly. Then Kris went on a snowboarding/personal retreat one weekend. He came home with a swollen knee. It didn’t get better and the pain didn’t subside and so off to the doctor he went. We were thinking he probably had some loose cartilage. A quick surgery and he would be back to normal. What the doctor told us, completely through us for a loop. He said that Kris has NO cartilage between his knee cap and his femur bone. It is bone on bone which makes bending painful. He told him No more basketball or snowboarding. And he told him to find a new job. There are options, but not until he gets a new job. And even then they aren’t great or lasting options, unless of course knee replacement happens, which is a possibility. I think the hardest part for me has been the realization that Kris is going to be limited in activities that he LOVES to do and that could possibly have been done with our boys in years to come. And you all know Kris, always the optimist. He thinks that he’ll be doing those things again. I pray that he is right!

I think that is about all for January. As far as Kris’ knee and job situation we are in faith that this is from God and He will provide a new job for Kris. Would you please pray for that and for Kris, as he desires to finish well at Integrity and his knee really hurts. Thank you. We love and miss you all so much! February’s update will be around the corner!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Winter Wonderland Part IV

I know that Christmas was a long time ago, but I still wanted to finish up our trip to Michigan. In order to do this quickly, I made a slide show - a first for this blog!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Winter Wonderland Part III

Sledding with Curt, Sally and our boys!

Yes, we did a lot of sledding while in Michigan and it was a lot of fun. On Christmas Eve, early in the day, we met up with Curt and Sal. Here is the whole gang at the top. (Cai stayed home this time.)
Here goes Kris and Anderson down the hill with a big push from Curt.

Anderson wanted to be brave and go all by himself. Here he goes with a push from Daddy.

Doing great!

So proud of himself. He even had to carry the sled up on his own!

Kris and I went down a couple of times together. (A highlight for me!)

Curt and Sal (Mommy and Daddy to be - in July)
Sally and I even went down a few times together. I thought there were pictures, but they must have been taken with her camera.

Curt and Kris try "snowboarding"