Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Lord Answers Prayer!

The other night I was kissing the boys goodnight when Ryan asked, "Mom did you see what I wrote down on my desk?" I hadn't. Ryan: "Trevor and I are going to write down things that encourage us. I wrote, Follow God's footsteps they lead home." The next night Ryan was reading to Trevor from the book, Tell Me the Secrets. Afterwards, I overheard Trevor ask, "So, Ryan what encouraged you in that story?" My heart was melted at both of these instances. One of main prayers through the years has been that the Lord would build a deep bond of friendship between our boys that they would experience true biblical fellowship with one another!

This picture was taken in August at one of our new favorite "family" spots - Kennesaw Mountain. There is a trail to climb, a musuem to visit, an amazing view at the top and you can even drive if you don't want to hike the whole trail. It shall replace the arboretum - our old family hiking spot in Virginia. Sigh. . . a bittersweet thought!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Addition To Our Blog!

I added music! Whoo Hooo! Take time and listen to this song. I heard it the other night on the way home from work and it truly ministered to my soul. "Just because you love me the way that you do, I'm gonna walk through the valley if you want me to." "If all these trials bring me closer to you, I will walk through the fire if you want me to." "You never said it would be easy, but that I would never go alone." When I can't hear you answer my cries for help, I'll remember the suffering your love put you through" THE SUFFERING OF CHRIST HAS WON US FORGIVENESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT IS NOT OURS AND THE TRUTH THAT WE WILL ONE DAY LIVE WITH GOD FOREVER!!! What trial can compare to that??

Friday, January 16, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts and the infrequency. I hope to do better. As you all know we moved to Georgia six months ago and it has been a difficult journey for me. I am beginning to "feel" back to normal and I love my God more passionately as He has carried me through this time! (see about me) I have truly learned 2 Timothy 2 "if we are faithless, he remains faithful"

Anywho. . . Here are my recent favorite picks of the boys.