Thursday, June 11, 2009

A New Decade Begins

Ryan turned 10 on Tuesday!!!

Birthday breakfast: Waffles with strawberries and whip cream!
Opening his new skim board slip n slide from Papa and Dee Dee.

Sporting his Michigan shirt and crocs from Gramma and Grampa (we won't mention the jack knife from grandpa and the wound that followed:)

Ryan wanted to have a party at the beach, so he and his friends could play sports and have fun in the water. We went to Galt's Ferry Beach. Here's Kris and the boys making the lines in the sand for their beach volleyball tournament.

After two rounds of Volleyball they headed for the water and stayed there. It was a beautiful, hot day. So much for the other games we had planned - but I might say that this was the easiest party I have ever done!

The whole gang eating dinner.

Ryan was born 5 days early, on his Uncle Ryan's birthday. We had planned on naming him Jaiden, but decided that perhaps the Lord had other plans. He did choose our son's birthday to be on the same exact day as Ryan's, who would never have children of his own. We believe that the Lord wanted to bless Ryan with a special gift that year and our son with a wonderful, godly namesake. Ryan lived much of his life in pain, but there were not many moments without a smile. He knew what it meant to suffer, and yet he knew true joy through peace with His Savior. One of our son's favorite memories from birthdays past is singing, Happy Birthday, Ryan and Ryan" Even though Uncle Ryan is no longer with us we still have the joy of celebrating his birthday each year and we look forward to be reunited with him one day in heaven. Perhaps he and Ryan will have a wrestling match that day:)


Lauren said...

I cannot believe he is 10! Aaah, how can time go so fast. He was such a sweet, fat little baby toddling around Celebration the first time I ever met you. Now, look at him--so grown. I love that he always has the same breakfast. I knew that would be the first pic before I even had scrolled down. Happy Birthday, Sweet Ryan. We love you!

Maegan said...

That definitely looks like the best party ever!! Kindof like Brianna's 10th, only masculine. Definitely a special birthday!

Anonymous said...

What a special day!! And for such a special boy!! Happy birthday Ryan!!!

Anonymous said...

Where has the time gone!!! Happy Birthday to my boy! I love you to the moon and back! Hope you enjoyed your birthday...Love Gma Dee Dee and Papa