Thursday, March 26, 2009

Anderson's 6th Birthday

The day has finally arrived!! Anderson could hardly wait to turn six. Last night as I kissed him goodnight he said, "Mom, this is the last time you will be near me while I'm five." (I almost cried. - I am getting sentimental in my old age.) He has hardly stopped talking today, he is so excited.

The long awaited clone suit.

We had waffles with strawberries and whip cream on them for breakfast. The cousins came over for a craft and chocolate pudding this afternoon. Tonight we go to Wendy's - his pick. And Saturday is his long awaited Pirate Party. (We are hoping this rain goes away!)


Kate Thomas. said...

happy birthday Anderson!!! Wish we could celebrate with you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Anderson! I saw a few pictures of the boys and I today, it made me miss you guys so much. I'm glad ya'll are doing well. Miss you and love you all. Tell the boys I said hello. Love, Laura Cagle

amanda said...

Laura! We miss you, too. The boys say Hi and I was just thinking about you last week and missing you coming over to our house. When we get to VA we have to see you!!!! Love you!

Lauren said...

I can't get over how Anderson looks just like Ryan in the second picture, and just like Trev in the picture of him at the table with the three presents. (Still the missing link.) Hope tomorrow is terrific-arrgh!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birtday Anderson from the MacKinnon family!! Nate had a pirate party too for his birthday! Will e-mail soon.