Thursday, October 25, 2007


Trevor's 7th Birthday is just around the corner and big things are already happening!

Yesterday, he lost his first tooth! He was so excited. He was eating an apple and the next thing I know he was running over to me with his tooth in his hand. Anderson was yelling, "Trevor lost a tooth!" Trevor said that he took a bite and felt something poking his gums. He thought it was a seed so he pulled it out, well that seed was his tooth! When Kris asked Trevor if he knew he had a loose tooth, Trevor responded, "No!"

Here is our proud little boy with his tooth missing.


Anonymous said...


Hang on to the tooth...the tooth fairy is on her way!!!!!

Love Dee Dee

Anonymous said...

Congrats Trevor!

We love you & miss you. Aunt Judy

Sara said...

GREAT JOB T!! Welcome to the toothless club! WE love you and miss you so much. Hopefully we'll see you soon!!


Aunt Sara, Mea and the crazy boys!

Jenn said...

Trevor, Congrats on the lost tooth. That is very exciting!