Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trevor's Birthday Party

One of my favorite memories from Trevor's birthday is the way that he anticipated his party. He had very specific ideas of the way he wanted things to be. For instance, he wanted a "Boston Red Sox" party. (Another story - the rest of us are Tiger's fans in this house). He wanted to have a time where they just played and he wanted to have some games. Here he is making a poster to greet his friends. He allowed Ryan and Anderson to help, but they could only draw things related to the Red Sox:)
The Poster

"Play" time started with a friendly game of football. Here's Trevor's team in the huddle.

Big brother trying to tag Trevor.

The teams lining up.

Live action photo!

The baseball cupcakes - - looked much easier than they actually were!

Birthday boy

So adorable!

Along with baseball cupcakes the kids had rootbeer floats and Cool Ranch Doritos - all at Trevor's request of course!
Balloon Stomp

Trevor and Anderson; the last two survivors face off. Yep! Anderson was the victor.

The Birthday Gang

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Trevor turned seven on Sunday. It is so hard to believe that our second oldest is seven. The time has gone by so quickly. Trevor is such a joy to have in our home. He is wild and daring, though gets hurt often in his fun. He is sweet and caring, known as my little helper. Lately, his favorite chore is folding towels!

On Sunday, Trevor requested Sam's Club Cheese Pizza after church. Gordon came over and joined us for the afternoon. We had a small family dinner later that evening with cake, ice cream and presents. His party with friends is this weekend, so more birthday pics will follow.

Here's our birthday boy on his special day.

Remember when he lost a tooth just days before his birthday, well two day later he lost another. Here he is showing off his missing teeth.

Yes, it's Trevor's birthday, but boy were his brothers excited about this gift from Papa and DeeDee.

Our boys: ages 8, 7, 4 & 1

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Sweet Moment From Our Day

Ryan and Anderson getting warm before school started. This was a sweet moment for me, because I love watching their little friendships develop.