Thursday, December 13, 2007

Merry Christmas

There will not be a Johns Family Christmas Card or Letter this year. So, if you were wondering where yours has been, know that you have not been forgotten!
The Lord has been so kind to bless us with many wonderful friends and family members. Please know that we think of each of you often, especially during the holiday season. May your family experience the true joy of this wonderful season. Here is a favorite poem of ours for you to enjoy.

O The Gift of Gifts

Source of all good, What shall I render to thee for the gift of gifts, thine own dear Son, begotten, not created, my redeemer, proxy, surety, substitute, his self-emptying incomprehensible, his infinity of love, beyond the heart’s grasp. Herein is wonder of wonders: he came below to raise me above, was born like me that I might become like him. Herein is love: when I cannot rise to him he draws near on wings of grace, to raise me to himself. Herein is power: when Deity and humanity were infinitely apart he united them in indissoluble unity, the uncreate and the created. Herein is wisdom: when I was undone, with no will to return to him, and no intellect to devise recovery, he came, God-incarnate, to save me to the uttermost, as man to die my death, to shed satisfying blood on my behalf, to work out a perfect righteousness for me. O God, take me in spirit to the watchful shepherds, and enlarge my mind; let me hear good tidings of great joy, and hearing, believe, rejoice, praise, adore, my conscience bathed in an ocean of repose, my eyes uplifted to a reconciled Father; place me with ox, ass, camel, goat, to look with them upon my redeemer’s face, and in him account myself delivered from sin; let me with Simeon clasp the new-born child to my heart, embrace him with undying faith, exulting that he is mine and I am his. In him thou hast given me so much that heaven can give no more.

-The Valley of Vision

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Awe, C'mon! You Know You miss them, too!


Here we are reminiscing. . .
No, it wasn't just for the fun of it, though it was fun. This year's Integrity Fall Dinner had an 80's theme. Sally said that when she saw me walk in it reminded her of high school - HA! No, Kris' mullet was never THAT bad - but he did have one and it was permed - LOL!!

Here you go, Maegan!
Yes, I did crimp my hair, just like the old days!
Another topic:
Visit this link to see our four adorable Christmas Elves

Monday, December 3, 2007


Before I cut the boys' hair the other night, Kris and I had a little fun. Trevor wouldn't participate, so here's two pictures of Ryan and Anderson.

Ryan wanted his hair buzzed for b-ball. By the time I was finished, I didn't want to cut anymore hair that evening. Trevor lucked out with no hair cut - but soon enough! Definitely by Christmas.

Don't forget to check out "Considering Lilies" at the bottom, as I have added a new thought for you to ponder. Something that encouraged me the other morning and I wanted to share it with you. May it encourage you today!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trevor's Birthday Party

One of my favorite memories from Trevor's birthday is the way that he anticipated his party. He had very specific ideas of the way he wanted things to be. For instance, he wanted a "Boston Red Sox" party. (Another story - the rest of us are Tiger's fans in this house). He wanted to have a time where they just played and he wanted to have some games. Here he is making a poster to greet his friends. He allowed Ryan and Anderson to help, but they could only draw things related to the Red Sox:)
The Poster

"Play" time started with a friendly game of football. Here's Trevor's team in the huddle.

Big brother trying to tag Trevor.

The teams lining up.

Live action photo!

The baseball cupcakes - - looked much easier than they actually were!

Birthday boy

So adorable!

Along with baseball cupcakes the kids had rootbeer floats and Cool Ranch Doritos - all at Trevor's request of course!
Balloon Stomp

Trevor and Anderson; the last two survivors face off. Yep! Anderson was the victor.

The Birthday Gang

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Trevor turned seven on Sunday. It is so hard to believe that our second oldest is seven. The time has gone by so quickly. Trevor is such a joy to have in our home. He is wild and daring, though gets hurt often in his fun. He is sweet and caring, known as my little helper. Lately, his favorite chore is folding towels!

On Sunday, Trevor requested Sam's Club Cheese Pizza after church. Gordon came over and joined us for the afternoon. We had a small family dinner later that evening with cake, ice cream and presents. His party with friends is this weekend, so more birthday pics will follow.

Here's our birthday boy on his special day.

Remember when he lost a tooth just days before his birthday, well two day later he lost another. Here he is showing off his missing teeth.

Yes, it's Trevor's birthday, but boy were his brothers excited about this gift from Papa and DeeDee.

Our boys: ages 8, 7, 4 & 1

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Sweet Moment From Our Day

Ryan and Anderson getting warm before school started. This was a sweet moment for me, because I love watching their little friendships develop.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Virginia Creeper

Here are the pictures from Ryan and Trevor's camping weekend with Gramma and Grampa. I am not sure what happened to the pictures when I got them from Chad, but for some reason they are small and can't be blown up. If you know why, please let me know.

Anyway, they went on a 21 mile bike ride! Ryan said, "It was the best bike ride I've ever been on!" The trail is called the Virginia Creeper. It goes mostly down hill. Everyone loved it, but it took a long time to drive to where it was - 7 hours. This was there first real camping experience - sitting around the camp fire, food cooked over the fire, sleeping in a sleeping bag in a tent, fishing, meeting new friends. Trevor said, "I like putting the kindling in the fire!" They had lots of fun together, sounded like some good brother bonding! Thanks so much Gramma and Grampa for taking them! You are such blessings to all of us. We love you!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hanging out with Anderson

Well, last weekend Ryan and Trevor went camping with Grandma and Grandpa Johns. So, Anderson had lots of special mom and dad time. We made playdough, went out to eat, visited the zoo, played games, but his favorite part of the whole weekend was his special play date. Anderson had been asking to have Nicholaus and Henry over and so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Anderson and I had lots of fun planning his "party". He wanted to go to the "Brewster's" park (a park next to Brewster's Ice Cream store). Our fun began at the park. The boys played, yes those are nasty looking rain clouds in the background. It did not rain, but boy was it HUMID!

After playing, we had a picnic lunch, which Anderson planned. There were dinosaur shaped sandwiches, cheetos, bananas and juice boxes. Then we walked over to Brewster's. Like I said it was hot! Most of their ice cream melted and by the time I had them wiped up, mine had melted also!

After the park we headed home, where there was more fun waiting. They rode bikes, jumped on the trampoline and played games. We played pin the tail on the donkey and a game similar to one I remember from the Bozo show:) During this game they won all sorts of fun prizes, including their pirate gear seen below.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Trevor's 7th Birthday is just around the corner and big things are already happening!

Yesterday, he lost his first tooth! He was so excited. He was eating an apple and the next thing I know he was running over to me with his tooth in his hand. Anderson was yelling, "Trevor lost a tooth!" Trevor said that he took a bite and felt something poking his gums. He thought it was a seed so he pulled it out, well that seed was his tooth! When Kris asked Trevor if he knew he had a loose tooth, Trevor responded, "No!"

Here is our proud little boy with his tooth missing.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Johnny Rocket's

Family Date Night!

Instead of telling you all about our family date night, I thought this would be a good opportunity to "talk" about ideas for Family Date Nights. I know that we could use a few new ideas. We don't always go out, but every once in awhile will will. So, here are my questions:

1.) What restaurants do you like to take the family to? (I am looking for some place fun for the kids, other than Chuck E Cheese's)

2.) What kinds of things do you do for family date night at home?

3.) Tell us about other fun family date night outings that don't include eating dinner.

Don't be shy! Share your ideas! What may seem plain and boring to you, may be a fresh idea to someone else.

And finally, our pictures from our most recent date.